GLOBAL MOBILITY TRAINING terrassign kompass 120 3 4

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To expand your HR professionals’ expertise in global mobility and employee assignments or to update their existing knowledge, we offer the following solutions for global mobility trainings:

  • Seminars to impart global mobility know-how
  • 1-on-1 basic seminars to impart basic knowledge
  • Seminar on the European Posting of Workers Directive
  • Annual refresher courses on new developments

  • Events on special topics, in particular with reference to labor and tax law issues
  • Intercultural seminars and trainings
  • Language intensive courses

CONTACT US terrassign kompass 120 3 4

terrassign kompass 120 2 4

    We are interested in the following services ...Mobile working aboardLegal certaintyA1 certificateNotifications and formalitiesAdvice on operating sitesPosting managementPosting advicePosting guidelines / posting contractRisk management for postingsHypothetical salary calculationTax advice on postingsVisa and entryWork permitRelocationHousehold goods transportHousing search / school searchOrientation tripsServices on arrival in the sending countryIntercultural training / language trainingCareer planning for fellow travelersOther services


    Find out more about how we can help you achieve your global mobility goals and contact us to request a customized and non-binding proposal.