terrassign kompass 120 2 4

Our range of services in the field of International Assignment Services includes:

  • Visa procurement and renewal

  • Obtaining the work permit
  • Housing search and orientation on site
  • Completion of all registration and departure formalities
  • Interim solutions regarding housing, short-term rental solutions (Temporary Housing)
  • Real estate purchase, management and sale
  • Household goods transport, storage and insurance
  • Career planning and school search for accompanying family members
  • Support, consulting and troubleshooting during the entire duration of the assignment

Contact usterrassign kompass 120 2 4

    We are interested in the following services ...Mobile working aboardLegal certaintyA1 certificateNotifications and formalitiesAdvice on operating sitesPosting managementPosting advicePosting guidelines / posting contractRisk management for postingsHypothetical salary calculationTax advice on postingsVisa and entryWork permitRelocationHousehold goods transportHousing search / school searchOrientation tripsServices on arrival in the sending countryIntercultural training / language trainingCareer planning for fellow travelersOther services


    Find out more about how we can help you achieve your global mobility goals and contact us to request a customized and non-binding proposal.